Competition Information

Team Contacts

Team Contact Phone Email Shirt
Chunderstix Phil Curtis 0411 422 639 Green
Denzel Frothingtons Saul Rivers 0418 488 646 Yellow
Juggernauts Chris Kennedy 0417 993 957 Navy (Club)
Newman Knights Andrew Johnston 0433 134 547 Blue & Black
Robert Downey Schooners Todd Sainsbury 0419 867 135 Navy Blue
Wolves Peter Moran 0416 296 286 Grey (Club)

Insurance Information

All players need to be registered in the Hockey WA Revolutionise platform, as this is linked to the insurance coverage provided for in the HA National Levy.

If you’re playing in this competition only, and did not play this season as a member of a HockeyWA Club or Association, please follow the link below to register.

Competition Contacts

Sinead French-Bluhm

M: 0403 831 075

If you would like to make an expression of interest about joining this competition during the next nomination period, please CLICK HERE to be added to the waiting list for the next 12 months.

More information is available by contacting the Competition Coordinator, Sinead French-Bluhm